The advantages of bars possessing not only refined and decorative appearance but also solidity and strength are the following:
- An unauthorised intruder cannot get into the protected area even after damaging the external protecting window, as getting through the protective grates takes plenty of time.
- Only the look of the protective grates can stop an intruder from attempting to break in.
- During the opening hours the grates do not spoil the atmosphere of the shop window, as being folded up it is invisible for the customers. 4. After the shop is closed the goods displayed in the shop window remain still well-visible.
- After the shop is closed the goods displayed in the shop window remain still well-visible.
- Internal grates are excellent for dividing interiors. They can be used in many ways, such as dividing rooms within shops, stores, shopping centres, warehouses, or dividing larger halls.
Our firm produces two different types of internal grates. One of them is the traditional rectangular shape, while the other is the so called "apácza"-type, which consists of arched parts. The "apácza"-type is more than twice as thick as traditional grates, this way it provides more security.
Grates are made of steel, which undergo different manipulations after preparation taking to account the customers demands and type of usage. External grates and those disposed to unfavourable weather conditions /rain, vapour/, are made of stainless and acid proof steel polished and unpolished qualities. We produce internal grates in colours according to our customers' demands.
The size and the form of the grates depend on the users' demands.
Both models can be closed accordion-like.
According to MABISZ certification our internal grates provide efficient security when combined with an alarm system indicating breaking the external window. Grates functioning electronically are supplied with a 24V electric engine for the sake of users. All grates except those used in shop windows are supplied with mechanic impediments against tumbling.